Forms and Checklists

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​If there are forms or publications that you cannot locate, please contact the Policy Unit via ​for assistance.

  • Contract Management Plan pro forma - A template contract management plan for use by agencies when managing contracts relating to goods and services. This document is an example only and should be modified by agencies to suit the particular circumstances of their contract and/or their agency's procurement requirements.​

  • Awarded Contract pro forma - Complete this pro forma if your agency has awarded a contract valued at $50,000 or more, then forward it to one of your agency's Tenders Agency Administrators for publication.​
  • Future Opportunity pro forma - Complete this pro forma if you would like to advertise the details of a Future Opportunity on the Tenders website, then forward it to one of your agency's Tenders Agency Administrators for publication.
  • Open for Bids pro forma - Complete this pro forma if you are running an open procurement, then forward it to one of your agency's Tenders Agency Administrators for advertising and placement on the Tenders website.


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