Procurement Template Documentation

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Office of the Crown Solicitor RFQ, RFT and contract templates

Building and Construction

The Office of the Crown Solicitor has prepared a Building and Construction Template Guide, which provides comprehensive instructions and advice in relation to the use of the OCS procurement templates listed below. The guide is only available, from the Office of the Crown Solicitor (via, to agencies and entities that are required to comply with Treasurer's Instructions issued under the Financial Management Act 2016 (Tas). OCS recommend that users of the OCS procurement templates refer to the guide when drafting procurement documents based on the templates below.

Further guidance on using the templates, including any restrictions, can be found in the Building and Construction Template Overview document available under 'Ancillary Documents' below. 

​​Major Works Contracts
  • ​​ FIOA Template 1 (Uses AS 4000)​*
  • Amended AS 4000 General Conditions of Contract - Business as Usual*
  • Amended AS 4000 Annexures - Business as Usual*
  • Amended AS 4000 General Conditions of Contract - Complex Projects*
  • Amended AS 4000 Annexures - Complex Projects*
  • FIOA Template 2 (Uses AS 4902)​*
  • Amended AS 4902 General Conditions of Contract - Business as Usual*
  • Amended AS 4902 Annexures - Business as Usual*​
  • Amended AS 4902 General Conditions of Contract - Complex Projects*
  • Amended AS 4902 Annexures - Complex Projects*​

Minor Works Contracts
Contract for Supply of Consultant Services Related to Construction

Contract for Supply and Installation of Equipment
  • ​​​​FIOA Template 4 (Uses AS 4910)*
  • Amended AS 4910 General Conditions of Contract*
  • Amended AS 4910 Annexures*​

Contract for Asset Maintenance and Services

  • FIOA Template 5 (Uses AS 4919)*
  • Amended AS 4919 General Conditions of Contract*
  • Amended AS 4919 Annexures*

*This document is not publicly available. Procuring officers should contact their agency's Procurement Reference Group representative for this document.​

*This document is not publicly available. Procuring officers should email a request to​​ so that it can be provided directly to them and their name registered as a recipient of it.​ 

Goods and Services

The publication, OCS Goods and Services Template Guide provides comprehensive instructions and advice in relation to the use of the OCS procurement templates first issued in​ 2021 and listed below. The guide is only available, from the Office of the Crown Solicitor, to agencies and entities that are required to comply with Treasurer's Instructions issued under the Financial Management Act 2016 (Tas). OCS recommend that users of the OCS procurement templates refer to the guide when drafting procurement documents based on the templates below.

Further guidance on using the templates, including any restrictions, can be found in the OCS Goods and Services Template Overview.


Tasmanian Technology Contract Conditions (ICT Products and Services)​

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​TTCC procurement and contract template documentation is located here​.

Archived Documents

​Archived template documents can be viewed here​.​



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