Please note the following bulletins are of historical interest and will not necessarily be current.
Financial Management Act 2016
New Treasurer's Instructions
The Financial Management Act 2016 came into effect 1 July 2019 and along with it, the revised Treasurer's Instructions (TIs) relating to procurement, disposal and contracting are also now effective. The new TIs are available on the Treasury website here.
Better Practice Guidelines
Better Practice Guides are also now available here. The BPG's have been structured to follow the TIs sequentially and provide useful guidance regarding the application of the new TIs. The BPGs replace guidance (grey text) information previously included in the TIs as well as some of the guidance information previously included on the Purchasing website.
Crown Law template documents
The Office of the Crown Solicitor has updated all of the template procurement documents to align with the new Treasurer's Instructions. The templates can be accessed here .
For assistance in relation to any of the above, please contact the Procurement Unit at Procurement, Risk and Contact Management Branch, Department of Treasury and Finance. Contact details are set out below.
(Dated 1 July 2019)
Financial Management Act 2016 - new Treasurer's Instructions
Financial Management Act 2016 comes into effect on 1 July 2019. As a consequence of the new legislation, the
Financial Management and Audit Act 1990 will be repealed and all existing Treasurer's Instructions will become ineffective. A new series of Treasurer's Instructions relating to procurement, disposal and contracting have been prepared and will come into effect on that date.
From 1 July 2019, the official version of the new Instructions will be available from the Treasury website (here).
(Dated 13 June 2019)
Disposal policy amendments - Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery Act requirements
With effect from 14 February 2018, the
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery Act 2017 imposes an obligation on some agencies to ensure that they do not dispose of material that is, or might be, of State significance without first giving the Board of Trustees of TMAG notice of disposal. These obligations apply to Government departments specified in Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the
State Service Act 2000. Additional entities may be obliged to comply with the requirement by regulation in the future.
Section 16 of the Act sets out the requirements, relevant definitions and how the Board will deal with notices. Heads of Agencies have been provided with advice in relation to the Act.
The Disposal of Government Assets policy document has been amended to reference this legislative requirement. TI 1301 has also been amended to reflect disposal requirements for the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery.
(Dated 14 February 2018)
Changes to FTA threshold
With effect from 1 January 2018 the FTA threshold has been amended to reflect A$657,000 for goods and services (GST inclusive) and A$9,247,000 for construction services (GST inclusive).
Amendments have been made to Treasurer’s Instructions 1102 and 1202 and are available on the Treasury Website
(Dated 30 January 2018)
Changes to Treasurer's Instructions- electronic lodgement of procurement submissions
With effect from 13 November 2017 agencies will be required to provide suppliers with at least one electronic option for the lodging of their procurement submissions.
The method of electronic lodgement used is a matter for each agency to decide, ensuring all requirements in relation to handling and confidentiality can be met. Electronic options may include, for example, the use of the Tenders website electronic lodgement functionality or a secure email or facsimile facility.
To facilitate the above changes, amendments have been made to Treasurer's Instructions 1106, 1107, 1109, 1206, 1207 and 1209 available on Treasury's website at
Changes are being made to the Crown Solicitor's pro forma procurement documentation.
(Dated 14 November 2017)
Tasmanian Wood Encouragement Policy
The Government has most recently released the Tasmanian Wood Encouragement Policy and two new Treasurer's Instructions have been released to give effect to the policy.
Refer to Instructions 1130 and 1233, available from the Treasury website, and the Tasmanian Wood Encouragement Policy for further information.
(Dated 21 July 2017)
Treasury website
As a result of a redevelopment of the Treasury website, the 1100 series, 1200 series, 1300 series and the 1400 series of the Treasurer's Instructions are now located at Treasury/Purchasing and Property/Purchasing and Property Treasurer's Instructions. The financial management Instructions are now located at Treasury/Budget and Financial Management/Guidelines, instructions and legislation/Treasurer's Instructions.
(Dated 3 April 2017)
Changes to Treasurer's Instructions relating to "zero tolerance towards violence against women" provisions in procurement documentation
Relevant Treasurer's Instructions have been amended (effective from 1 November 2016) to require agencies to include provisions in procurement documentation in relation to the Government's position on zero tolerance towards violence against women.
Appropriate changes have been made to the Crown Solicitor's pro forma procurement documentation located on this website at Buying for Government > Resources > Request for Tender, Request for Quotation and Contract for Services Documentation.
Refer to the requirements contained in Instructions 1109, 1206, 1207 and 1216, available on Treasury's website at
(Dated 1 November 2016)
New Free Trade Agreement Thresholds
The provisions of relevant free trade agreements apply to procurements where the estimated dollar value is equal to or in excess of the thresholds set out in the Treasurer's Instructions 1102 and 1202. The thresholds are reviewed every two years.
With effect from 1 January 2016:
- for procurement of goods and services the threshold has increased from AUD $551 000 (GST inclusive) to AUD $614 000 (GST inclusive); and
- for procurement of construction services, the threshold has increased from $7.769 million (GST inclusive) to AUD $8.652 million (GST inclusive).
Treasurer's Instructions 1102 and 1202 have been amended to reflect the threshold changes.
(Dated 13 January 2016, Archived 3 April 2017)
Change to Treasurer's Instructions relating to tender newspaper advertising
The Treasurer's Instructions have been amended (effective from 23 November 2015) to remove the mandatory requirement for agencies to advertise tender notices in at least one local newspaper. Agencies now have the flexibility, at their discretion, to advertise tenders in print media on a case by case basis. The requirement to advertise all tenders on the Tenders website remains.
Refer to the requirements contained in Instructions 1107 and 1209, available on Treasury's website at
(Archived 3 April 2017)
New contractor licensing requirements
The building and construction/roads and bridges Treasurer's Instructions have been amended (effective from 23 November 2015) to require agencies to ensure that prior to a contract being awarded for works, the preferred supplier has:
- identified the appropriate certifications, accreditations, registrations and licences necessary to undertake the contract works; and
- completed a statutory declaration that it and its employees and/or sub-contractors hold the above.
The practical effect of the changes is that agencies need to obtain from suppliers a statutory declaration, at the time of tendering, which sets out the licences required to undertake the work and attests that the supplier, its employees and/or sub-contractors, hold those relevant licences.
Changes are being made to the Crown Solicitor's pro forma procurement documentation and a pro forma statutory declaration will be prepared for use by suppliers during the procurement process to support agencies in relation to the changes. Until those documents have been published, agencies should refer relevant matters to the Office of the Crown Solicitor for advice on appropriate inclusions in their procurement documentation.
Refer to the requirements contained in Instructions 1206, 1207 and 1211, available on Treasury's website at
(Archived 3 April 2017)
Review of the Treasurer's Instructions
As part of the Government's red tape reduction program, Treasury has recently undertaken a review of the Treasurer's Instructions relating to procurement and Government contracts to determine those that are no longer required and to identify improvements. As a result of the review, seven TIs have been retired and changes made to TI 1301 relating to disposals.
The changes take effect from 13 July 2015 and include:
- the retirement of TIs 1125 and 1230 relating to the Government's policy on the timely payment of invoices which are no longer required as the requirements of TI 402
Cash Management override;
- the retirement of TIs 1302, 1303, 1304, 1305 and 1306 relating to disposal; and
- amendment to TI 1301 and the release of a new publication
Disposal of Government Assets - Tasmanian Government Agencies, to reflect changes resulting from the retirement of the above TIs relating to disposal.
The Treasurer's Instructions are available on Treasury's website at The new disposal publication is available from the Publications tab on this website.
(Dated 13 July 2015, Archived 3 April 2017)
Pre-procurement Industry Consultation Review Process
The Central Procurement Board has been abolished and replaced with a simplified pre-procurement industry consultation review process for relevant high value procurements. In accordance with the provisions of the Treasurer's Instructions 1116 and 1218, agencies must provide the Secretary of the Department of Treasury and Finance with a pre-procurement industry consultation report for review and approval. The report summarises the outcomes of consultation undertaken with industry and local business representatives in the planning stages of the intended procurement.
For further information refer to the pre-procurement industry consultation review process.
(Archived 3 April 2017)
New Free Trade Agreement with Korea
The Tasmanian Government has agreed to participate in the procurement chapter of the Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement which will commence on 12 December 2014. The Treasurer's Instructions and the
Free Trade Agreements Guideline are in the process of being amended to reflect the entry into force of this Agreement. Compliance with the Treasurer's Instructions and the requirements of the Guideline will ensure compliance with the Agreement's obligations.
(Dated 12 December 2014, Archived 3 April 2017)
Buy Local Policy
The Buy Local Policy has been released to increase awareness of the requirements for, and benefits in, buying locally and improve access to Government contracts for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The Policy:
- enhances opportunities for local businesses to compete for Government business by:
- requiring Government Agencies to take into account the wider community and social benefits of purchasing decisions; and
- promoting within Government, the advantages of buying locally;
- reduces administrative burden on businesses providing services by simplifying procurement documentation;
- provides businesses (and Government entities) with key information, tips, tools and training to effectively increase their future competitiveness to win government business; and
- increases transparency in relation to Government procurement activities.
Further information is located on this website at Purchasing Framework > Purchasing Policies > Buy Local Policy.
(Dated 8 May 2014, Archived 3 April 2017)
Changes to Treasurer's Instruction relating to the payment of invoices
The Treasurer has recently approved an amendment to Instruction 402 to require agencies to pay all invoices with a value of less than $50 000 within 30 calendar days, or if a shorter term has been agreed, within the shorter term.
For invoices of $50 000 and above, payment must be made in accordance with agreed terms and by the due date.
Further information about these policies, including the use of the Tasmanian Government Card, is located on this website at Purchasing Framework > Purchasing Policies > Payment of Invoices.
(Dated 15 April 2014, Archived 3 April 2017)
New Free Trade Agreement Thresholds
The provisions of relevant free trade agreements apply to procurements where the estimated dollar value is equal to or in excess of the thresholds set out in the Treasurer's Instructions 1102 and 1202. The thresholds are reviewed every two years.
With effect from 1 August 2014:
- for procurement of goods and services the threshold has reduced from AUD $573 000 (GST inclusive) to AUD $551 000 (GST inclusive); and
- for procurement of construction services, the threshold has reduced from $9.514 million (GST inclusive) to AUD $7.769 million (GST inclusive).
Treasurer's Instructions 1102 and 1202 have been amended to reflect the threshold changes.
(Dated 1 August 2014; Archived 13 January 2016)
Central Procurement Board Report
Treasury has recently published the latest of a series of regular update reports to be issued by the Central Procurement Board.
The report is located on this website at Purchasing Framework > Purchasing Policies > Central Procurement Board > Central Procurement Board Reports.
(Dated 19 September 2014; Archived 24 December 2014)
Central Procurement Board Report
Treasury has recently published the third of a series of regular update reports to be issued by the Central Procurement Board.
The report is located on this website at Purchasing Framework > Purchasing Policies > Central Procurement Board > Central Procurement Board Reports.
(Dated 13 June 2014; Archived 23 September 2014)
Tasmanian Government Tenders Website - Scheduled Maintenance
To ensure that the Tasmanian Government can continue to provide a reliable and secure service to our stakeholders, the Tasmanian Government Tenders website is to undergo scheduled maintenance. As a result, the website will be unavailable from 3.00pm to approximately 8.00pm on Thursday 17 July 2014.
Agencies must ensure work is completed/saved and that all users are logged out before this time.
If you have any queries regarding the outage, please contact the Systems Analyst, Sam Thiessen, on 6166 4100 or email
(Dated 15 July 2014; Archived 18 July 2014)
Amendment to procurement thresholds for building and construction/roads and bridges works
At the request of the Central Procurement Board, a review of the thresholds at which agencies must either seek multiple quotations or conduct an open tender for works procurement has been undertaken and the Government has approved the amendment of building and construction/roads and bridges works procurement thresholds by increasing:
- the threshold for the requirement for agencies to seek a minimum of three written quotations for building and construction works and for roads and bridges works from $10 000 to $50 000; and
- the threshold for the requirement for agencies to conduct an open tender process for building and construction works from $100 000 to $250 000.
To give effect to the new thresholds, changes to a number of Treasurer's Instructions have been made together with the alignment of relevant policies impacted by the amendment to the thresholds. Advice on those changes has been provided to Agencies and their Procurement Reference Group representatives.
The changes took effect from 25 January 2014.
(Dated 25 January 2014; Archived 12 June 2014)
Expiry of Treasurer's Instructions 1198 and 1298
Treasurer's Instructions 1198 (goods and services) and 1298 (building and construction/roads and bridges) were issued to temporarily streamline the normal procurement requirements to assist agencies in responding to the devastation caused by the January 2013 bushfires.
As there is no longer a need to streamline the procurement process to expedite procurements arising from the bushfires, both TI 1198 and 1298 will expire on 31 December 2013.
Both TIs and the associated guidance information will be removed from the Treasury and Purchasing websites early in January 2014.
(Dated 23 December 2013; Archived 12 June 2014)
Central Procurement Board Report
Treasury has recently published the second of a series of regular update reports to be issued by the Central Procurement Board.
The report is located on this website at Resources > Publications > Central Procurement Board Report: No: 2 of 2013.
(Dated 23 December 2013; Archived 12 June 2014)
Request for Quotation - Supply of IT Products and/or Services
The Crown Solicitor, in consultation with Treasury, has released a pro forma Request for Quotation for use in low risk / low value procurement of information technology (IT) products and/or services that links to the Government Information Technology Conditions (GITC) head agreement requirements.
A key aspect of this RFQ is that it allows for a contract for the supply of IT products and/or services to be formed if the State accepts the successful Quotation. In this situation, the Proposed Order comprising Part C of the RFQ comprises the Official Order for the purposes of GITC. Alternatively, a contract is not formed until the State and successful supplier enter into a GITC Head Agreement (if one is not already in place with the successful supplier) and an Order is entered into setting out all required details accepted by the State and successful supplier.
The new RFQ is located on this website at Buying for Government>Resources>Request for Tender, Request for Quotation and Contract for Services Documentation.
(Dated 21 November 2013; Archived 12 June 2014)
Central Procurement Board
On 26 August 2013, the Government established the Central Procurement Board to oversee compliance with the Government's procurement principles in relation to high value procurements.
The Board's role is to review, and approve, relevant planning and evaluation processes, with a particular emphasis on the Government's value for money and enhancing local opportunities procurement principles.
(Dated 26 August 2013; Archived 12 June 2014)
How to Assess Value for Money
Government agencies are required to undertake purchasing processes in a manner that is consistent with the following four principles, contained in the Treasurer's Instructions 1101 and 1201:
- value for money purchasing outcomes;
- ensuring that the purchasing process is impartial, open and encourages competitive offers;
- conducting purchasing activities ethically and in accordance with a code of conduct; and
- enhancing opportunities for local business by ensuring that local businesses that wish to do business with Government are given the opportunity to do so.
A new publication to assist Tasmanian Government agencies in understanding and applying the principle of achieving value for money purchasing outcomes has been released.
The publication is available from Resources > Publications > How to Assess Value for Money.
(Dated 26 August 2013; Archived 12 June 2014)
New Treasurer's Instruction - Procurement of Chicken Eggs
Animal Welfare (Domestic Poultry) Regulations 2013 came into force in Tasmania on 1 July 2013 prescribing national standards for the care and management of commercial poultry housed in both cage and non-cage systems.
The Treasurer has issued a new
Treasurer's Instruction 1130 to support the Regulations by seeking to ensure that Government agencies only purchase chicken eggs where the producer meets acceptable standards.
When purchasing whole eggs, agencies must only purchase non-cage eggs that are produced in an enclosure (as prescribed in the Regulations) and ensure that management practices of egg producers achieve, at a minimum, the other standards and principles contained in the Regulations. Where suppliers are onselling eggs from producers, agencies must ensure suppliers confirm that the eggs and the producers of the eggs are meeting these requirements.
Further information about the policy and a link to the Regulations is located on this website at Purchasing Framework > Purchasing Policies > Procurement of Chicken Eggs.
(Dated 3 September 2013; Archived 24 April 2014)
Central Procurement Board Report
Treasury has recently published the first of a series of regular update reports to be issued by the Central Procurement Board.
The report is located on this website at Resources > Publications > Central Procurement Board Report: No: 1 of 2013.
(Dated 14 October 2013)
Changes to Treasurer's Instructions relating to penalties on the late payment of invoices
Treasury has recently amended a number of Treasurer's Instructions relating to the on time payment of invoices to suppliers. The amendments took effect on 18 September 2013. The changes include:
- amending Treasurer's Instructions 1125 and 1230 to increase the minimum penalty payment from $25 to $50; and
- amending Treasurer's Instruction 705 to mandate the use of the Tasmanian Government Card for applicable payments below $1 000.
Further information about these policies, including the use of the Tasmanian Government Card, is located on this website at Purchasing Framework > Purchasing Policies > Payment of Invoices.
(Dated 19 September 2013, Archived 15 April 2014)
Introduction of the Building Code 2013
Australian Government Implementation Guidelines for the National Code of Practice for the Construction Industry, which imposed additional requirements on agencies for projects funded by the Australian Government, has now been replaced with the
Building Code 2013.
The Building Code, issued under the
Fair Work (Building Industry) Act 2012, took effect on 1 February 2013. It establishes a set of supplier industry standards for all building contractors and building industry participants involved in Commonwealth funded construction projects. The
Building Code 2013 - Supporting Guidelines for Commonwealth Funded Entities sets out the Australian Government's procurement obligations placed on agencies in relation to the Building Code for projects
directly or indirectly funded by the Australian Government (where these meet its contribution value thresholds).
The Building Code is applied prospectively and in most circumstances existing contracts for Australian Government funded work established prior to the 1 February 2013 should not change. However, agencies should note that for pre-existing projects, where a head contractor enters into arrangements with new subcontractors on or after 1 February 2013, those subcontractors will also need to comply with the Code.
Tenders and contracts for projects directly or indirectly funded by the Australian Government after that date should reflect the obligation to comply with the Building Code.
Agency queries in relation to the Building Code's affect on pre-existing projects should be directed to the Office of the Crown Solicitor.
The Building and Construction Request for Tender template (Commonwealth funded work version) and the associated Guide for assisting agencies to complete the Annexures to AS 2124-1992 are being updated. However, until these documents are finalised, agencies in the interim are to contact the Assistant Crown Solicitor for assistance in relation to amending tender and contract documentation for procurements impacted by the Australian Government's funding requirements.
Further information on compliance with the Building Code and the associated Supporting Guidelines is located on this website at Purchasing Framework > Purchasing Policies > National Code of Practice for the Construction Industry, the Tasmanian Annexure and Australian Government's Building Code 2013.
(Dated 4 June 2013, Archived 11 November 2013)
Review of the Treasurer's Instructions
Treasury has recently undertaken a routine review of the Treasurer's Instructions relating to both procurement and the Crown Contracts Confidentiality Policy to ensure that the Instructions are accurate and clearly reflect the policy intentions of the Government. The amendments, which are relatively minor in nature, take effect from 1 May 2013. The more significant changes are:
- amendments to TI 1109 to clarify information relating to mandatory clause inclusions;
- amendment to annual reporting TIs 1111 and 1213 to align reporting requirements with the Tenders website;
- amendments to TI 1125 and TI 1230 to allow agencies to designate an officer for complaints about payment of accounts other than their procurement complaints officer;
- clarification in TI 1126 to accommodate processes where a cleaning contract is either extended or rolled-over;
- inclusion of guidance on the Australian Government's requirements for federally funded projects in TI 1201;
- amendments to TI 1216 to align the wording relevant to the thresholds with the wording used in other TIs;
- amendments to TI 1220 to clarify the reporting requirements; and
- amendments to TI 1228 to clarify that the TI does not apply to minor works projects.
Minor changes to accommodate font or style requirements; to improve grammar or readability; amendments to website links/website references; and to align/conform wording or formatting between the TIs have also been made.
The Treasurer's Instructions are available on Treasury's website at
(Dated 1 May 2013, Archived 11 November 2013)