Advertising - Print Media Services for Vacancy Notices, Tenders and Public Notices (Master Ordering Arrangement)

Contract Number A003 (mandatory)
Expires 31/03/2025

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This contract provides print media services relating to: 

  • the placement of vacancy notices, tenders and public notices in the consolidated format in the Tasmanian newspapers; and  
  • the placement of vacancy notices, tenders and public notices in interstate and overseas newspapers and/or journals (in a format as specified by your agency). 

Print media advertising services outside of the above (such as campaigns, promotions etc), are not considered to be part of this whole-of-government contract, and should be acquired in accordance with the Treasurers Instructions.

This contract also acts as a Master Ordering Agency, Gray Matters Advertising has the responsibility for negotiating rates with each of the Tasmanian daily newspapers and major interstate newspapers. The Master Ordering Agency can also provide professional advice and assistance with the placement of your advertising needs.​

Master Ordering Agency
Gray Matters Advertising,
Suite 12, Level 3,
33 Salamanca Place,
HOBART   TAS   7000
Contractor Details/
Master Ordering Agency Contact
Katey Love
Account Coordinator
(03) 6224 8777
Helen PolanowskiAccounts/Media Buyer(03) 6224 8777
Who Can Access Agencies
Additional Information


Principal Contracts Analyst
Lutfur Rahman
Phone: 03 6145 5778

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