Tasmanian Risk Management Fund - Actuarial Services

Contract Number TRMF 2022-1 Actuary (mandatory)
Expires 31/08/2025

​​​​​​​This Contract provides for the supply of actuarial services for the Tasmanian Risk Management Fund and participants in the Fund.

Master Ordering Agency
GM Actuaries Pty Ltd
Contractor Details/
Master Ordering Agency Contact

Geoff Morley


Tel: (03) 6286 8011 

Email: geoff@gmactuaries.com.au

Who Can Access The Department of Treasury and Finance as the administrator of the Tasmanian Risk Management Fund and participants in the Fund.
Additional Information

Schedule 1 Services - Actuarial Services for the Department of Treasury and Finance in respect to the Tasmanian Risk Management Fund;

Schedule 2 Services - Actuarial Services for participants in the Tasmanian Risk Management Fund in respect to risks for which a participants is covered by the Fund.​​


Neil Thristan (Treasury contact)
GPO Box 147
Phone: (03) 6145 5016
Email: Neil.Thristan@treasury.tas.gov.au

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