Tasmanian Risk Management Fund - Fund Administration Agent

Contract Number TRMF 2021-1 FAA  (Schedules 1 and 2 - mandatory; Schedule 3 - non-mandatory)
Expires 30/06/2025

​​​​​​​This contract is for the provision of Fund Administration Agent services for the Tasmanian Risk Management Fund, including claims administration, provision of advice in relation to claims management and the brokerage of insurance as required.

Master Ordering Agency
JLT Risk Solutions Pty Ltd and Marsh Pty Ltd
Contractor Details/
Master Ordering Agency Contact
Contractor Contact Telephone
JLT Risk Solutions Pty Ltd and Marsh Pty Ltd
Greg Moore(03) 6220 7420
Who Can Access The Department of Treasury and Finance as the administrator of the Tasmanian Risk Management Fund, participants in the Fund and other government entities as identified in the Contract.
Additional Information

Schedule 1 Services - Claims Administration Services for risks covered by or through the Tasmanian Risk Management Fund;

Schedule 2 Services - Claims Management Services for under-excess claims and for schemes operated by a participant in the Tasmanian Risk Management Fund independent of the Fund; and

Schedule 3 Services - Insurance Broking Services for risks not covered by or through the Tasmanian Risk Management Fund and Insurance Advisory Services.​​


Neil Thristan (Treasury contact)
GPO Box 147
Phone: (03) 6145 5016
Email: Neil.Thristan@treasury.tas.gov.au

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