Dumped Goods
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Dumped goods are goods that:
- are imported from overseas at less than their normal value;
- may cause injury to an Australian industry producing similar goods, or hinder the establishment of an Australian industry; and
- have been classified as being "dumped" by the Anti-Dumping Commission (Department of Industry, Innovation and Science).
In 1999, the Tasmanian Government introduced a policy banning government agencies from purchasing dumped goods or goods that are suspected of being dumped.
Dumped goods, and goods that are suspected of being dumped and are under investigation can be identified by referring to the Anti-Dumping Commission website.
Supplying dumped goods to the Government could result in significant costs to the supplier. If a supplier supplies goods that are listed as dumped by the Anti-Dumping Commission, the contract will be terminated. Any consequential costs or losses resulting from this are the responsibility of the supplier. If a supplier supplies goods that are suspected of being dumped and that are under investigation by the Commission, the contract will be suspended until the investigation has been completed. Any costs or losses incurred as result of the suspension are also the responsibility of the supplier.