Frequently Asked Questions

​​​​​​Do I need to be prequalified to provide goods and services to government?  

No. There are no whole-of-government prequalification schemes for the provision of goods or services to Tasmanian Government agencies.

There are a small number of whole-of-government / common-use contracts that are advertised when they are open for new participants. Some Tasmanian Government agencies have their own multi-use lists as well as their own panel contracts.

Whole-of-government / common-use contracts are detailed at Contracts.

Details of multi-use lists and panel contracts administered by Tasmanian Government agencies are published on the Tasmanian Government eTenders website

What do I need to do to become prequalified?

Information about how to apply to become a prequalified contractor or consultant under the Department of Treasury and Finance Prequalification Scheme is available here.

Roads and bridges prequalification is managed by the Department of State Growth. More information is available on the Department of State Gr​​owth website

Who can I contact about prequalification?

Information about the prequalification schemes managed by Treasury is available here. If you need further information, you can email or phone (03) 6145 5855.

Roads and bridges prequalification is managed by the Department of State Growth. More information is available on the Department of State Gr​​owth website

Does prequalification guarantee me work?

No. Prequalification is only an indicator that you are capable of performing work in certain categories and within certain financial limits. It does not guarantee that you will be invited to undertake work.

When should I apply for prequalification?

You can apply for prequalification at any time. If you are interested in tendering for Tasmanian Government works where prequalification is likely to be required, you are encouraged to apply for prequalification proactively. This will ensure that when tender opportunities arise that require prequalification you will be able to focus on your tender response and there will be no time pressures on your application for prequalification.

How long will it take for my application for registration under a Treasury scheme to be assessed? 

You should allow approximately six weeks for processing an application. 

What happens once my application for registration under a Treasury scheme is completed?

You will be advised of the results of the assessment via email. Following assessment you may be assessed as being:

  • prequalified for that category;
  • prequalified, but in another category or to a lower financial limit; or
  • unsuitable for registration in that category.

Who do I contact to prequalify for roads and bridges work?

The Department of State Growth is responsible for all road and bridge prequalification. 

For further information please go to the Department of State Growth website

How long is prequalification valid for?

Prequalification is generally approved for three years. Consultants and building and construction contractors will be advised via email when their registration is due for renewal.

Renewal requests for road and/or bridge contractors are advertised in the newspaper and on the Tenders website.

What if I am not satisfied with a prequalification decision?

Road​s and Bridges

If a contractor is not satisfied with any decision in relation to prequalification, the contractor may either request a review of the original decision, or lodge an appeal against the decision. Further information can be found in Section 6.4 Reviews and Appeals of the 'Guidelines' located on the Department of State Growth's website.

National Prequalification System for Non-residential Building (NPS)

If a contractor is not satisfied with a decision made in relation to prequalification under the NPS, the contractor may request a review of the decision. If the contractor is not satisfied with the outcome of the review, an appeal may be lodged. While the NPS is a national system, appeals and reviews should be lodged with the jurisdiction that made the original decision.

Further information is contained in the National Prequalification System for Non-residential Building Guidelines which are available on the Australasian Procurement and Construction Council website or from the Manager, Contracts (refer contact details below).

Treasury Prequalification Schemes

If not satisfied with a decision made in relation to prequalification under the Department of Treasury and Finance Prequalification Schemes, you may request a review of the decision by writing to the Manager, Procurement Policy via

What is the difference between project cost, commission fee, component cost and annual cost?

Each category of Treasury's Prequalification Scheme requires a specific cost measure to be used when assessing project history and determining appropriate financial limits.​

Because of the broad nature of services provided under Treasury's Prequalification Scheme, some categories use different cost measures. It is important that the correct details are included when you provide details of project history in your application, to avoid delays in the assessment process.

Depending on the category, you may need to provide details of the project cost, commission fee and component cost. Please see an explanation of these cost measures below:

  • Project cost: The entire value of the project.
  • Commission fee: The payment received by a firm for the work completed.
  • Component cost: A segment of the overall project cost, which applies specifically to the category being applied for.
  • Annual cost: The payment received annually for ongoing maintenance contracts.
Please note all cost measures are GST inclusive.

Example 1: 

ABC Consulting is seeking registration for the categories of Strategic Asset Management, Architecture and Civil Engineering. ABC Consulting has a project (Project A) completed in January 2022 it wants to include in its application as evidence of its capability in each of these three categories. The project had a total value of $15 million, the commission fee for the Strategic Asset Management work was $80 000, and the value of the Civil Engineering component of the project was $750 000.

Therefore, ABC Consulting enters the details into the application form as follows (please ensure referee details are also provided, where requested in the application form):

Strategic Asset Management - Project 1           
Project titleProject A
YearJanuary 2022
Description of projectABC Consulting - Strategic Asset Management - Project A
Commission fee$80 000
Architecture - Project 1                
Project titleProject A
YearJanuary 2022
Description of projectABC Consulting - Architecture - Project A
Project cost$15 million
Site and Civil Engineering - Project 1
Project titleProject A
YearJanuary 2022
Description of projectABC Consulting - Civil Engineering - Project A
Component cost$750 000

Example 2:

XYZ Engineers is seeking registration in the Civil Engineering category. XYZ Engineers recently provided Civil Engineering design work for a new building project. The total cost of the new building project was $10 million. Of the $10 million total cost, $2 million related to Civil Engineering design work. XYZ Engineers were paid a fee of $200 000 for Civil Engineering design work.

  • The project cost is $10 million. 
  • The $2 million allocated to Civil Engineering design work represents the various expenses related to the overall Civil Engineering component of the project. These include engineering consultancy fees, payments to contractors, material costs, equipment expenses and overheads. Therefore, component cost is the portion of the overall project cost attributable to all Civil Engineering design work expenses and goes beyond the commission fee paid to XYZ Engineers.
  • The $200 000 received by XYZ Engineers is the commission fee. Unlike component cost, which relates to overall Civil Engineering design work expenses, the commission fee is the actual payment made to XYZ Engineers for its services.

The cost measure for the Civil Engineering category is component cost. Therefore, XYZ Engineers would advise that the component cost for this project was $2 million. This will be the value used by Treasury when assessing the financial limit requested by XYZ Engineers.


Procurement and Prequalification Analyst
GPO Box 147
Hobart TAS 7001
Phone: (03) 6145 5855

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