Treasury and Finance Prequalification Scheme - Forms and Guidelines

​​​​More information about the Department of Treasury and Finance Prequalification Scheme is available here

Guidelines and applications for both interested and currently approved contractors and consultants are available below. 

If you need further information, see the Frequently Asked Questions or email ​​



Use the Guidelines and Application Form for Contractors ​if you are a supplier seeking ​​registration as an approved contractor under the Department of Treasury and Finance Prequalification Scheme (including renewal of existing prequalification).

 Department of Treasury and Finance Prequalification Scheme Guidelines and Application for Contractors (DOCX 785Kb)


Use the Application to Amend Registration - Contractor​ form if you are a prequalified contractor seeking to amend your current registration by:

  • ​increasing an approved financial limit (or limits); or 
  • applying for registration in an additional category (or multiple new categories).

 Application to Amend Registration - Contractor (DOCX 114Kb)


This document details the scope of each category a contractor can be prequalified in, under the Department of Treasury and Finance Prequalification Scheme. 

Department of Treasury and Finance Prequalification Scheme Categories - Contractors

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Use the Guidelines and Application Form for Consultants ​if you are a supplier seeking ​​registration as an approved consultant under the Department of Treasury and Finance Prequalification Scheme (including renewal of existing prequalification).

 Department of Treasury and Finance Prequalification Scheme Guidelines and Application for Consultants (DOCX 788Kb)


Use the Application to Amend Registration - Consultant form if you are a prequalified consultant seeking to amend your current registration by:

  • ​increasing an approved financial limit (or limits); or 
  • applying for registration in an additional category (or multiple new categories).

 Application to Amend Registration - Consultant (DOCX 111Kb)


This document details the scope of each category a consultant can be prequalified in, under the Department of Treasury and Finance Prequalification Scheme. 

Department of Treasury and Finance Prequalification Scheme Categories - Consultants

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Quality Assurance


This manual assists contractors and auditors meet the requirements outlined in the Quality Assurance checklist.

 Quality Assurance Manual for Contractors (PDF 1Mb)


Use this checklist to guide second party quality assurance audit and certification for contractors.

 Quality Assurance Checklist for Contractors (PDF 1Mb)


This manual assists consultants and auditors meet the requirements outlined in the Quality Assurance checklist.

 Quality Assurance Manual for Consultants (PDF 501Kb)


Use this checklist to guide second party quality assurance audit and certification for consultants.

 Quality Assurance Checklist for Consultants (PDF 1Mb)​


The Department of Treasury and Finance's approved list of Second and Third Party Quality Assurance Auditors.

 Approved-List-of-QA-Auditors (DOCX 182Kb)​



Procurement and Prequalification Analyst
GPO Box 147
Hobart TAS 7001
Phone: (03) 6145 5855

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