General Procurement Information including Identifying Opportunities
Bidding for Government Contracts Fact Sheet
This fact sheet provides key tips for businesses looking to sell to the Tasmanian Government.
Tendering Handbook
A handbook prepared by Business Tasmania to assist business owners in developing tenders and quotes for the Tasmanian Government is available from the Business Tasmania website at Business Tasmania - Grant and tender writing.
Buy Local - A Guide for Tasmanian Businesses
A guide providing information on how the Government buys, with tips on how to market your business, plan and prepare bids and what to do if a bid is not successful.
Buy Local - A Guide for Tasmanian Businesses
Overall Government Procurement Statistics
Routine disclosure of overall Government procurement statistics.
Overall Government Procurement Statistics
How Government Buys - Building Construction/Roads and Bridges
A guide to provide Tasmanian businesses with an overview of Tasmanian Government purchasing practices for building construction/roads and bridges works, including tips on how to find and win government business.
How Government Buys - Building Construction / Roads and Bridges
How Government Buys - Goods and Services
A guide to provide Tasmanian businesses with an overview of Tasmanian Government purchasing practices for goods and services, and includes tips on how to find and win government business.
How Government Buys - Goods and Services
Information for Contractors - Zero tolerance policy on violence against any person in the workplace
An information sheet for contractors in relation to the zero tolerance policy on violence against any person in the workplace.
Information for Contractors - Zero tolerance policy on violence against any person in the workplace
Selling to Government agencies: where do you begin?
Information on how to find and win business.
Selling to Government agencies - where do you begin
Tasmanian Government Tenders Online - how can it benefit you?
A guide for suppliers on the benefits of registering on the Tenders website.
Tasmanian Government Tenders Online - how can it benefit you?